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In memory of
Harry Mather  
Valerie Alferoff

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Vegan Views


Contributing to Vegan Views

We rely on readers’ contributions, and try to print all of relevance and interest. We welcome letters, articles, reviews, recipes, photos, drawings, cartoons, news, quotes, poems, adverts, etc - or constructive suggestions or criticism. 

Just look at any recent issue to get an idea of the sort of things we usually publish, and how long they can be (we usually like to keep articles under two pages, ie not much more than 2000 words). Please bear in mind that our emphasis is on debating issues amongst vegans and vegan sympathisers, rather than simply presenting the case for veganism.

You can email us or write by post - see Contact us. Please include your contact details (name and email, or postal address / phone number) with anything you send us in case we need to get in touch with you, and please tell us if you prefer your name, or other contact information, to be withheld. 

If you write to us with comments, opinions, information, etc, but don't want your letter published, please make that clear when writing. If you need a postal response please include an SAE.

We welcome your contributions at any time but there is a deadline for inclusion in the next issue (given on the home page of this website and also on page 2 of each magazine).

Articles, Letters, Book Reviews, Recipes, Quotes, etc  Please send your articles or other text by email if possible, either as a Word document or within the body of your email.

Photographs, Drawings, Cartoons  Please email these to us if possible.

Adverts  Small text adverts (preferably not more than 50 words including contact details) are free to subscribers, although a donation would be very welcome especially if you are a profit-making business. Please contact us if you are interested in placing a larger text advert or a box advert.
   Non Subscribers: £4 for insertion in three issues (minimum one year). Please send your advert to us with a cheque payable to Vegan Views, or email your advert stating you’ve sent a cheque or have paid via PayPal. Please include relevant details in your email or letter, so we can identify your advert or in case we need to contact you. 
   To pay via PayPal go to Subscriptions
and use the Pay Now button, where you can add a brief message (“note to seller”) so that we can link your payment to your advert.

Mailing list

Vegan Views is now freely available online (though occasional donations from regular readers to support us would be much appreciated). Magazines in pdf form can be downloaded from the home page, but see Subscriptions for details of how to get printed issues, or how to donate.

If you'd like to go on our mailing list to receive free pdfs of each issue by email rather than having to keep checking the website please contact us - we  usually publish Vegan Views three times a year, in late March, July and November.

Privacy  Vegan Views will not pass your e-mail address on to anyone, so if somebody requests a person’s e-mail address we will always ask that person's permission first. All email addresses (and names, addresses and phone numbers) are kept confidential, and never sent or given out. In group emailing your email address will always be in the private BCC field.  

If you no longer wish to receive any information from Vegan Views please let us know and your name will be removed from our list.

If you come across links that don't work, or spot other errors, please get in touch – thanks.

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© Vegan Views 2012