
Back issues
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In memory of
Harry Mather
Valerie Alferoff
We are a member of
IVU (International Vegetarian
Home Last updated September 2014Vegan Views 1975-2013
The Spring 2013 issue (No 127) of Vegan Views magazine - which
you can download below - was our last printed issue. Times have changed
and it seems many people now prefer to go online rather than read
printed magazines.
Future plans We had hoped to add new interviews, articles, reviews,
etc to the website, or maybe publish small magazine pdfs - but, for a
mixture of reasons, have not done anything yet. For this to happen we
need to find one or two helpers with more expertise than we have in
running and promoting websites and using social media (especially
Facebook). Also nowadays there are a vast number of ‘vegan views’
online, so we want to be doing something that is a little different
rather than just repeating what is happening elsewhere.
you're on our email list we'll keep you informed of any developments
- contact us
if you want to be added to this list (or if you’d like to help).
Vegan Views has always been produced by unpaid volunteers on a
non-profit-making basis, and although UK-based we welcome readers
from any country. See also our Information
page, with details of our past approach.
Facebook Page We relaunched our Facebook Page in July 2013 (replacing our old Facebook Group), and we've been adding new posts from time to time. This
should be visible to everyone, unlike the old group which only Facebook
members were able to see. (However, to comment on any of the posts you
do need to be a Facebook member.)
Spring 2013 issue
Vegan Views No 127
- pdf (5 MB) opens in a new
window. This issue includes an interview
with vegan dietitians Jack Norris
& Ginny Messina. Also
articles by Teresa Bergen on her recent visit to see the amazing
wildlife in the Galapagos islands, by Debbie Andrews on the
environmental impact of plastic, and by Zion Lights on gardening the vegan way. Plus
other articles, news, recipes, etc.
For a full
contents list of issues 121-127 click here

Interviews The
seven interviews published in Vegan Views from 2011-2013 are now
available separately (all in pdf form except for the first): Jack Norris & Ginny Messina (vegan dietitians) John Davis (International Vegetarian Union) Angel Flinn (Gentle World vegan community in Hawaii and New Zealand) David Irving (author of 'The Protein Myth') David Graham (Vegan Organic Network) Lee Hall (author and animal rights activist) Patrick Smith (Veggies Catering in Nottingham) For older interviews see our Back issues section. Vegan
Views magazine is freely available online, and
magazines in pdf form can be downloaded here. If you have any problems
let us know and we can email you a pdf instead (but first try right
clicking on the pdf link, select 'Save Target As' or 'Save Link As',
download it to your
desktop, and then try to open it from there). See
below for issues 121 to 126, and for many earlier magazines see
our Back issues
Vegan Views No 126
(Winter 2012/2013) - pdf opens
in a new
window. This issue includes an interview
with John Davis of the International Vegetarian Union.
Also articles on Vegan Asia, the Vegan Woman website, Violet's
Vegan Comics, Quakers and Animal Welfare, Vegan Café
4 the Day, and more.
Plus letters, recipes, news,
etc. Full
contents list here |
Vegan Views No 125
2012) - pdf opens
in a new
window. This issue includes an interview
with Angel Flinn of the Gentle World vegan community in Hawaii and New
Also articles on
the cartoons of Dan Piraro,
the shifting meaning of the word 'vegan', and the experiences of a lone
vegan on a TV food show. Plus letters, reviews, recipes, news,
etc. Full
contents list here |
Vegan Views No 124
(Spring 2012) - pdf opens in a new
window. This issue includes an interview with David
Irving (author of The
Protein Myth). Also articles on
in the Ancient World', 'The vegan evolution', 'How many vegans are
there in the
'Vegans - spiritual souls', the
potential of lab-grown meat, animals
eating other animals, utopias and veganism, plus the vegan press
reviewed, comments from our Facebook members, and
recipes. Full
contents list here |
Views No 123
(Winter 2011/2012) - pdf opens in a new
window. This issue includes an extended interview with David
Graham (chair of the Vegan-Organic Network). Also articles on
against suspenders', human and animal domestication, vegan puppies,
plus Vegan Camp report, letters, book reviews, etc. Full
contents list here |
Views No 122 (Summer
2011) - pdf opens in a new window. This
issue includes an interview with Lee Hall (author of 'On Their Own
Terms: Bringing Animal-Rights Philosophy Down to Earth'), also
articles on being vegan and transgendered, awkward questions asked in
school talks, Critical Society's e-journal, and memories of Harry
Mather, plus letters, recipes, etc. Full
contents list here
Views No 121
(Spring 2011) - pdf opens in a new
window. Includes an interview with Patrick Smith of Veggies Catering,
articles on fox hunting and eating meat, giving talks in schools, the
new vegan film 'Making the Connection', also guerrilla gardening,
plus letters, recipes, poems, cartoon, etc. Full
contents list here
earlier magazines see
you come across links that don't work, or spot other errors, please
get in touch - thanks.
Vegan Views 2014