The weather this summer was far from ideal, but the outlook for veganism was good. The Vegan Camp, the Vegan Summer Gathering, and the Vegan Food & Drink Fayre were successful, happy occasions, and a special party for vegan children proved that the next generation is thriving.
However, the rest of the news is far from cheerful. Bitter strife and appalling violence seem to surface every day. One begins to wonder whether violence and killing will ever end. Violence seems to breed violence until a peak is reached, when people realise that violence is only destructive and in the end there must come some form of agreement and conciliation.
People do not at first look to the long term solution of problems. Although changes are taking place at a fast rate, we fail to consider whether the changes are really desirable, or even make us unhappy in the long term. To look too far ahead is troublesome and may spoil the enjoyment of today. The petrol crisis was an example of this. Our consumption of fossil fuels is increasing. The answer must lie in economising and developing alternatives, but little effort seems to be put into changing our attitudes and way of life.
Veganism is a long term solution that will improve individual health, raise moral standards, improve the environment, and is sustainable. It is a long term solution because it happens to be the way humans were destined to live, and it enables us to live in harmony with the planet. So celebrate World Vegan Day on the first of November and keep to it for the rest of your life!